
georgetakei , to Random avatar
nemeciii , avatar

@georgetakei grounding was the least thing to do.

What I would have done would be that he'd have to come clean about the prank to the girl and apologize. Then as an apology offer money for a fine dining dinner at a central location on his expense from his monthly allowance. He wouldn't be at the dinner.

What a dimwit son, I would have made him do all the chores in addition. 😡

tony , avatar

@georgetakei Boys will be boys? Retch. In the 21st century that phrase should have been banished for good.

rbreich , to Random avatar

Trump’s tax law cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%.

What did corporations do with the money saved?

They didn’t invest it or raise wages.

They spent a record $1 trillion on stock buybacks the year after the law went into effect.

Nothing trickled down to workers.

SaftyKuma , avatar

@rbreich And to think after over 4 decades of proof that trickle down economics is an abject failure, people still think we should do more


@rbreich a reduced tax rate meant that multinational corporations like Apple could repatriate funds held overseas at 21% taxation vs. the greedy 35% where the government were actually getting 0% because the funds were just being held overseas. 35% corporate tax is/was higher than most any other country. Stock buybacks help boost share prices, which helps increase returns for shareholders that include large institutional investors who offer 401K and IRA investment for retirement plans.

georgetakei , to Random avatar

Would watch!

WhiteCatTamer , avatar

@georgetakei Usain Bolt comes in second to a 37 year old woman from South Carolina with a 16 month on one shoulder and a 6 year old in tow.

AddisonAlbright , avatar

I’d watch that, but I’d rather watch an event where people try to roast the ice cream man as hilariously as this little British girl: 😂

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